Friday, February 25, 2011


Come listen to the wise and practical advice of psychotherapist and WRS' "Kids in Mind" host, Rachel Melville-Thomas, while also having the opportunity to ask her your own questions on the following topics:

March 8th - "Letting them go: separation worries for kids and parents" - helping your child starting nursery, new school, first sleepovers,school trips etc...

March 22nd - "Parenting together" - how to truly share the parenting,being consistent with each other, coping when your partner is often away

April 5th - "Why don't they LISTEN!" - how to communicate better with your children, avoid conflicts and understand them better

All Parenting Workshops will be from 9:30 - 10:30 at the very cozy Cupcakes & the City Cafe (rue St. Joseph, Carouge).

The Cost of the Class is 30CHF and includes a welcome coffee/tea and a very yummy cupcake!!!